When is it too old to Trick or Treat is a common question asked everywhere around the United States. Many people wonder but you should be able to until you have a job and are able to go out and get your own candy.
Asking for candy as a 17-year-old on Halloween is weird or immature.
“I think that most kids should stop Trick or Treating by 15 to 16 because that is when most teenagers get their first job and are able to buy their own candy,” explained Carter Yost (9).
“I think that you should be able to do it your whole childhood from 2-18 because it is a thing for kids to have fun and enjoy the holiday,” said Josh Shepard (9).
Both people have different opinions on how old you should be to Trick or Treat.
Carter Yost (9) said, “I still trick or treat with my brother because I am only 15 and yet to have a job.”
Josh Shepard (9) stated, “I will continue to trick or treat with friends because I use it to be a way to hang out with them and enjoy the candy while strolling the streets with them.”
These are both excellent explanations of their opinions. But perhaps Carter Yost (9) makes the mot sense, because imagining a 17-year-old running down the streets asking people for candy is just strange.
In fact it is just plain weird. A full-grown adult going through the streets asking for candy is an obscure way to get a snack, especially when you have a driver’s license, car, and job.