Flag Corps

The HVHS Flag Corps perform at halftime.
The Hidden Valley High School Flag Corps team preforms every Friday at home football games held at Bogle Stadium. The Flag Corps is a fall sport here at Hidden Valley where anyone is welcome to join. They wear colorful uniforms to represent the school at the football games. Ariel Schweiger is a first year Flag Corps member and she loves it. “They were so welcoming, and it looked so much fun.” (Ariel, 11th) Ariel feels that ever since she joined the team, she considers them to be like a second family. Another first year Flag Corps team member is enjoying their time being in the Flag Corps.
“I joined the Flag Corps because It’s so beautiful and my friends were already on the team.” (Jesse, 10th). Jesse mentioned that it makes him smile and he enjoys the practices after school.
During half time the Flag Corps preforms with the marching band they dance along to the music from the marching band while doing tricks with their flags and their many other props. When the team isn’t on the field preforming, or they are at away games, they stand along with the marching band on the bleachers next to the student section in their uniforms cheering on the football team as they play.
They make chants and do a celebratory dance when our team makes a touchdown. It is unanimous that the Flag Corps team is one of the many enjoyable teams here at Hidden Valley.

Hi, my name is Sarah Skime. I am a senior this year and this is my third year taking journalism. I like to write, read, and spend time with my family....