Hidden Valley Deca members are going to Virginia Beach from March 27 through February 2 to compete for Deca states. This is an exciting and tough event to compete in; members have been working very hard on their projects and practicing roleplays to get prepared and ready to compete. Many schools across Virginia will come to participate in this competition.
Riley Apple (11) is competing in finance for her category. This will be her second year going to SLC. This is a hard event to compete in because of all the work put into the project. Apple says, “I’m super excited to compete and see a lot of new people.” She also stated, “my favorite part is meeting new people from different schools and going to all the events.”
Liv Lovern (10) is also attending states this year for the first time. She is partnering with Ava Sinclair and Claire Kern on a concession stands project. They have been working hard for several months to be well prepared. “I’m very happy to be able to go and a little nervous,” said Lovern. She has worked very hard with her partners and is excited to compete.
Hidden Valley’s Deca members are ready to show off their great talent and make our school proud. This is such an exciting event, and the Titan Times wishes everyone good luck!