As anticipation built for Winter Break, HV was very excited to announce this year’s Holiday Spirit Week, with new themes such as “Shine Bright like a Light”, Holiday Family Photo Day, and many others. Everyone knows how dreary and tedious school can begin to feel toward the middle of the year, with burnout hitting and exams approaching. However, administration here at Hidden Valley worked hard with the student body to boost involvement and make school more fun for the week leading up to Christmas break.
One student, Noah Matamoros (12) commented, “I was very excited for Holiday Spirit week. I always look forward to what my friends will wear and comparing who we think has the best outfit.” Things like this keep everyone engaged and bring a sense of holiday spirit to campus. Amongst the many themes, one in particular seemed to stand out to many students asked about the spirit week: Polar Express Day. Matamoros offered another comment, saying, “Nothing beats wearing pajamas on the last day before break, especially on a Friday.” These dress up days give students something to look forward to, with great themes to plan and show off.