This year, Hidden Valley High School’s junior and senior girls will be competing in a powderpuff game for the first time since 2017 on September 27th. Powderpuff games are a tradition in many high schools, where senior and junior girls compete in an energetic game of flag football. The tickets will cost $5 ahead of time and $8 at the gate to fundraise for HVHS Marching band. The game will be played on the HVHS soccer field.
Powderpuff games are not just about the sport itself, but are a celebration of HVHS’s school spirit and friendly competition. The junior and senior boys also often are the coaches for their grades team, adding to the fun. For many high school seniors and juniors, partaking in a powderpuff game can be one of their highlights of high school. It is an opportunity for the students to have fun and bond with their fellow classmates, show their athletic talents, and create forever memories.
The juniors have been practicing very hard to prepare for the game. Here’s an inside look at what they’ve been doing to prepare, “At practices the whole team tries to focus, work on our skills, and run routes and plays. The whole team has had a lot of motivation and because of that I think we have a strong chance of winning because we really want it.” Says Kate Funderburke (11).
It sounds like this is going to be a fun game to watch! Everyone should come out and support our HVHS junior and senior girls as they fight for the win.