During the 2023-2024 school year at Hidden valley, Mr. Miller and the choir have new and exciting news about the winter formal. It is official and will be Jan 13, 2024, at the school’s cafeteria. It starts at 7:00 pm and ends at 9:00 pm.
The main planner Jesmine (11) is working on bringing the formal all together. In order to raise money for the food, decorations, etc., they are doing a fundraiser of selling donuts.
Jesmine stated that, “The theme for the formal is Blizzard Ball which will be very wintery type.” For this type of formal many people recommend wearing formal dresses with warm design features, such as sleeves or heavy fabrics.
Susanna Metz (9) said that, “We are hoping for people to wear wintery colors such as navy, royal blue, and sky blue.” To tag along with the blizzard ball theme, the cafeteria will be decked out with white and blue decorations.
At the winter formal there will be many amenities provided. The choir and Jesmine are providing unlimited drinks for everyone attending. Also, the choir will be caroling providing some wonderful Christmas tunes to listen to. Susanna Metz stated, “I’m very excited to help provide some Christmas spirit for all the students.”
The tickets for the dance will only be $15 for a single and $25 for a couple. Online tickets become available Dec 11th – Jan 11th and tickets that are sold during lunch become available Jan 4th – 11th.
The students at Hidden Valley are extremely excited for the brand new 2023-24 school year winter formal. With all the amenities you can think of and a wonderful blizzard ball theme, this formal will be one you’ll remember for years to come.