It’s called the most wonderful time of the year for a reason. From the joy it brings, to the gatherings and parties, the tree, and to the Christmas music, the most important sign of spirit is the decorations. No matter where you go, the houses, shops, and streets are all ready for Christmas time.
People hang up lights arounds their homes and shops, and stockings are put up for the children. On Christmas Eve, many go to festivals, and kids make cookies for Santa. The unique traditions also create memories for Christmas that last for a lifetime. From visiting holiday markets, gift exchanges, baking Christmas cookies, and drinking hot chocolate with friends and family, the Christmas season is always jolly with company.
But there is always a big question asked during this time of the year: When is it the best time to decorate for Christmas? While many start decorating on November 1st, others prefer to do it after Halloween.
Teagan Burrow (9) states that, “My family always start decorating after thanksgiving.”
Amy Morin, a psychotherapist, said that people who decorate for holidays earlier and happier people. She also states that, “The holiday season stirs up a sense of nostalgia.” Many people decorate early because it brings back childhood memories. Others may do it to spend time with family and enjoy the Christmas spirit.
Christmas is a holiday celebrated by many people around the world. It’s a holiday where families come together, and memories are made. That’s why most people always say that Christmas will always be their favorite holiday.