Hidden Valley Students, picture day is quickly approaching. Students prepare for picture day in many ways, but most people care what they look like because the photo goes in the Yearbook and will be looked back on for many generations.
Most students put effort into their appearance for picture day. When asked what they are wearing, a common answer was a dressy shirt and bottoms.
Brynn Raymond (9) stated that she was wearing “jeans and a nice shirt with platform converse…and curling [her] hair,” while Olivia Viar (9) said she would wear, “jeans and a sweater.”
It isn’t only students who care about what they look like; In addition, teachers care about picture day and want to look their best.
Miss. Pressley (English Teacher) is planning to wear, “her favorite teacher fit (which will be a dress),” and Mr. Maus (P.E. teacher) said, “I’m going to wear one of my golf shirts that I usually wear… [and] try to keep a professional appearance, because as a teacher you want to look like the professional in the room and have that extra level of formality.”
Other than wanting to look good for the yearbook, students and teachers have other reasons to put forth their best look.
“I care because my parents will buy the pictures, and I want to look good,” Olivia Viar expressed. Miss. Pressley added, “My picture will be in the yearbook, and the yearbook lasts for a long time.”
So how will you appear when you pluck your 2023-24 yearbook off the shelf and dust it off a decade from now? Will you be formal, or will you be frumpy? Remember to look your best, since pictures are September 26th and 27th in the auditorium.