Trick-or-Treat and its Interesting History

Halloween is undoubtedly a unique holiday but trick-or-treat is a one-of-a-kind experience for people of all ages around the world. It can be traced back to a tradition created by the Celts more than 2,000 years ago.
Celtic New Year’s Day fell on November 1st. It was believed the night before the separation was thin between the worlds of the living and the dead, resulting in spirits to walk their land. This holiday was eventually changed to All Hallows’ Day, and the day before was changed to All Hallows’ Eve.
However, the trick-or-treating part of Halloween wasn’t technically popular until around 1940, after World War II. The development of neighborhoods and availability of candy fueled the tradition. Costumes became more interesting and detailed, and Halloween imagery began appearing. By the mid-20th century, people had replaced handing out apples and homemade treats with store bought candy, and the old Halloween traditions had been replaced.
Halloween is a widely loved holiday. An 11th grader said, “I think it’s a fun holiday that brings family and friends together.” It no longer focuses on protection from spirits of the dead, but rather sweet treats and cheesy movies that can bring smiles to all types of people.

Hi, my name is Lilly Hatfield and I am a senior at HVHS. This is my third year in journalism, first as editor in chief! I love to read and listen to music...