Since 2011, a devastating conflict in Syria has ravaged the country, pitting the government, led by President Bashar al Assad, against various opposition groups.
Bashar al-Assad, faced an unprecedented challenge to its authority when pro-democracy protests erupted throughout the country. Protesters demanded an end to the authoritarian practices of the Assad regime. Al-Assad used a variety of different weapons and methods to kill and torture it’s people. He used chemical weapons to attack and bombs on his people which led to the displacement of over 14 million Syrians.
One of the most famous torture places Al-Assad had was the Sednaya Prison, other known as the human slaughterhouse. Prisoners were tortured, abused, and executed. And not to mention the tight and non-livable cells where they were forced to live in for years.
The most immediate impact of Assad’s fall will be return of Syrian refugees from neighboring countries like Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. T
On 8 December 2024, the Assad regime collapsed during a major offensive by opposition forces. The offensive was spearheaded by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and supported mainly by the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army as part of the ongoing Syrian civil war that began in 2011.
Lana Qasem (11) stated that, “I hope Syria and its people finally get to live in peace and I hope they find someone who rules them with justice and fairness”.