Directed by Tim Burton, the new Beetlejuice Movie was released to the public on September 6th, 2024. Inspired by the first Beetlejuice film released on March 30th, 1988, this movie is filled with humor, love, and Tim Burton’s classic gothic horror vibe.
Many of the individuals that worked on the original 1988 film, got together for the second time, including, Tim Burton, Catherine O’Hara, Michael Keaton, and Winona Ryder. There are also many new actors in the 2024 release, such as, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Justin Theroux, and Willem Dafoe.
Beetlejuice 2024, starts off with a blast from the past, where Lydia Deetz, played by Winona Ryder, who is a little goth girl in the house on a hill seeing things that others can’t. Once Deetz is grown up, she is famous for her talk show “Ghost House with Lydia Deetz,” where she talks about different ghosts she can see. Even though Lydia seems fine during her show, she feels the lingering of a past friend, Beetlejuice, played by Michael Keaton. Astrid Deetz, played by Jenna Ortega, is the daughter of the famous ghost seer Lydia. Astrid Deetz is an angsty teenager who wants nothing to do with her mother. Unlike Lydia, Astrid doesn’t believe in anything that hasn’t been proven by science, but little does she know she is about to.
Tim Burton pulls at the heartstrings of past fans with this Beetlejuice reunion, creating a challenging task. Staying too close or straying too far from the original plot can push viewers away. While the characters and settings remained familiar, the numerous plotlines and villains made the movie feel unconnected and confusing. The film include thrilling moments for the viewer, however many believe this remake did not make its full potential.