Twisters, released on July 19, 2024, is a two-hour movie directed by Lee Issac Chung. Twisters is an action-packed movie following the storyline of Kate Carter, played by actor Daisy Edgar-Jones. Carter ventures through modern-day Oklahoma chasing tornadoes, and while trying to “collapse” them, she manages to get caught in a love triangle. She then learns how to get over her fear of tornadoes after the death of some of her beloved friends at the beginning of the movie.
The director of Twisters, Lee Issac Chung has had a successful career, directing many movies prior to Twisters such as, The Mandalorian (2023), Minari (2020), I Have Seen My Last Born (2015), Abigail Harm (2012), Lucky Life (2010), and more. Chung also has won thirty-one awards for his work and has received seventy-nine nominations over the years. He is a successful director, cinematographer, and producer.
Twisters has three main characters. Kate Carter, a meteorologist who has a hobby of storm chasing and a natural ability to track and identify tornadoes, Tyler Owens, played by Glen Powell, is a daring and adventure-seeking YouTuber known as the “Tornado Wrangler,” and Javi, played by Anthony Ramos, is a storm chaser and meteorologist, who works for Storm Par and is one of Kate’s best friends.
During Twisters, Kate Carter fails an experiment trying to collapse a tornado, resulting in the death of three close friends. Carter decides to stop storm chasing and start working at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) in New York. Five years later, one of Carter’s friends, Javi , convinces her to start storm chasing with him and his team from Storm Par for a week. Along the way she meets Tyler Owens, a social media star, who is known as the “Tornado Wrangler” across YouTube. As storm season in Oklahoma starts to get wilder and more unpredictable, Carter learns that Javi isn’t the person she thinks he is. So, she teams up with Owens, to continue her research on how to neutralize tornadoes. The two have a breakthrough with their hypothesis and intend to test it out on a nearby tornado that was predicted to touch down near a small town. Once they make it to the town, they set up their gear and realize the tornado was going to be bigger than expected, turning into an f5 tornado. As Owens and Javi hide in a nearby movie theater with the fellow town’s folk, they soon realize Carter has gone off to try to neutralize the raging tornado.
There are numerous opinions on Twisters, some critics remain loyal to the original 1996 film by saying this new version contains a lack of originality, while others say it’s a summer blockbuster and loads of fun. Twisters has received a higher Rotten Tomatoes score of 79% on the Tomato meter as compared to the original’s score of 63%. Overall, if you’re looking for an entertaining movie with action, thrills, and adventure, Twisters has it all!