The book My Fault by Mercedes Ron, is a forbidden romance novel that was originally released in 2017. There are three total books in the series and My Fault is the first book in the series. The main characters in the book are Noah and Nick. Noah is a 17-year-old teenage girl getting up routed from her life to go live with her mother’s new husband and his son in Los Angeles. Nick is a 22-year-old that has grown up without his mother and was left to be raised by his millionaire father. Nick has always been a troublemaker which had included joining a gang, smoking, and most importantly illegal car races. His dad thought he finally had gotten Nick under control, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. Meanwhile Noah couldn’t be more unhappy about the life changing event.
Noah and Nick started off on the wrong foot when they first met each other, and Noah couldn’t stand the idea of Nick being her new stepbrother. After their first dinner as a family didn’t go as planned, Nick is instructed by his father to take Noah home. They are in the car when they have an argument and Nick kicks Noah out of the car and leaves her stranded in the middle of the road. When she manages to get picked up by someone on the road, he intends to take her home but she here’s about a party and decides to go with the stranger. When they got there, she realized it was a gang party, and Nick was the leader. She wasn’t expecting to see him because he had told his father that he was going to look over a case since he was studying to be a lawyer like his father. Noah and Nick didn’t know it yet, but that party would be the start to what would be their relationship, if it would make or break their relationship.
Even with their parents being married they can’t ignore their feelings for each other even if they tried. With all the obstacles they have to over come with Noah’s father being the biggest one yet, it’ll show if they are really meant to be together.