The Andy Warhol Diaries Review

Artist Andy Warhol captured in portrait.
The 6-episode series follows the life of Andy Warhol after he was almost fatally shot in 1968. The AI generated voice that narrates Andy’s diary entries was designed after his voice by sound technicians. The story behind his “diaries” started when he hired Pat Hackett to transcribe his phone calls, initially for financial records and safety purposes. Eventually Pat’s and Andy’s phone calls turned into more personal conversations, where Andy revealed the things in his life that were never known (loneliness, love, family life, creative inspirations) and Pat typed them.
The series follows the Diaries that were published by Pat Hackett after Andy’s death in 1987, we learn how he yearned for a husband in a society that didn’t even acknowledge homosexual relationships much less accept them. His media attention was recounted by him in a tone of disbelief, he never felt as though he fit in with the socialites and celebrities he painted, and rather preferred the friends who didn’t conform to social expectations.
One huge element of the series is Andy Warhol Enterprises, a company that Andy created with his artwork, films, photography, tv presence, etc. His headquarters were called “The Factory” where he and his fellow creatives lived and breathed their art. As the series comes to an end the true depths of his isolation, and childhood struggles tie in with the de ja vu he experiences. The series also shares the group that Andy watched from the outside with his camera in New York’s underground, the group of free spirits, sexual misfits, and true gems of New York’s golden age.
Overall, I thought each episode had a melancholy tone that reflected the stories and emotions Andy expressed in his diaries. The series brought up emotions of sympathy not for the full life Andy lived, but the one he yearned to live. I would recommend this documentary series to any art fans as well as people who don’t take an interest in art. Although Andy Warhol was a trailblazer in art, he was also a key pop culture figure and his story, unknown and interpreted, can be educational to anyone willing to sit down and watch the show. I give this series 5 out of 5 shields and hope it gets the attention Andy, his survivors, and the production team deserves.

Hello, my name is Caitlin Musser. This 2024-2025 school year will be my senior year, and fourth year taking Journalism at HVHS. This year I am...